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Learning Commons/Maker Spaces



- All areas of the building support student learning and classroom priorities

- Spaces must remain flexible to meet student individual and group needs

- Common spaces should support collaboration, inquiry/research, experimentation and exploration

- All spaces in the school should contribute to a culture of joy-filled learning and community

- Common spaces should provide venues for exhibition and celebration of learning, both process and product


The design of our building offers many common learning spaces to support and enhance the classroom learning experience of the students.  These spaces will include:


- resources to support literacy

- resources to support and extend curricular instruction (student research)

- technology resources to support learning

- areas to promote student collaboration

- areas to support student project work (maker spaces)

- areas to allow for individual student work

- areas to make learning visible (presentation and display)

To see how our Learning Commons is laid out, CLICK HERE.

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